Will Dzeko Fit in At Rome

When you look back the type of strikers that Roma have over the years, (Borriello, Osvaldo, Bojan, Baptista etc) you start to smirk, then the more names you hear the more you start tDzeko will be Roma's new #9hinking, how in the world did they end up with Dzeko? Today Edin Dzeko arrived in Rome ahead of his move to Roma and was greeted by plenty of Romanistas. This is very big for the Giallorossi, there is no doubt about that. Also there is no doubt that Dzeko is a quality striker. When’s he’s playing and not being wasted on the bench he’s among the best finishers in world football. But, today we ask, is the Bosnian hit man a good fit at The Stadio Olimpico?

There is no doubt in my mind, he is. Roma have lacked a quality striker, a proven striker for the longest of times. When you look at Roma’s team, you can see the talent they have but they always needed that one guy to finish the chances that guys like Iturbe, Gervinho, Ljajic, Totti, Pjanic and now even Salah will create. That’s where Dzeko will step into the picture. He’ll be able to finish all the chances that are created. Last year Roma lacked someone that could score, Roma now have someone they can look to, someone to act as a focal point for the rest of the players, once again something Roma lacked last year. When you look at it, Dzeko is someone Roma needed, so there is no doubt that he’ll fit into the team perfectly. He’s the type of player that will grab people’s attention. A guy who’s made for the big moments. A guy who offers a jump in quality. When is the last time we went into a season where you said Roma have Serie A’s possible top goal scorer? (Yes it’s been awhile!).  Roma fans have all the right in the world to be excited for this guy, he’s everything they needed and wanted. So Dzeko, your new adventure in Rome starts now, just as you wanted and all Roma fans wanted. Benvenuto Edin!

Written by: Sebastian Fazio

Twitter Account: @CalcioASRoma

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