Alessio Romagnoli Sale – The Up’s and Down’s

This is the talk of the Serie A community, the sale of Alessio Romagnoli from AS Roma to AC Milan. 

Dubbed the next Alessandro Nesta, Romagnoli was very hot property and was highly sought after all around the world, gathering interest from every corner of the globe; Arsenal, Milan, Chelsea and even Atletico Madrid were amongst the high profiled teams looking to obtain the signature of the 20-year-old.

Now lets break down why he is such hot property in the eyes of so many Italians and even in the world. Italy has always been known for their production of phenomenal defence man, thats not an opinion either. Italy owned the world when it came to the production of defence they even decided to name it a style of play; Catenaccio. That defensive superiority has declined….To put it politely. Since roughly 2006 their has been no Fabio Cannavaro or Nesta, Paolo Maldini or Giacinto Facchetti, so when quality defensive talent comes around…You better believe their will be a lot of hype and a sizeable price tag that follows.

Looking through social media I’m seeing a number of mixed reviews, some say the sale was good for Milan bad for Roma, some say good for both parties cause of financial reasons, bad for the future of Italy cause supposedly Milan can’t raise good defenders (I’m just as confused as you don’t worry).

Some Romanista’s are horrified with the decision, pulling the sob story “what have they done with my Romans?!” or my favourite “THEY WOULD SELL A YOUNG TOTTI” then the realistic ones are simply stating, “its to balance the books” or “He’s a third string centre back and we got €30 million for him! thats great business Walter Sabatini”

In the grand scheme of things, Milan did get the better end of the deal. Yes they splashed “€30 million on a third stringer” but that third stringer is gonna be an anchor in defence for Italy in years to come alongside Daniele Rugani. Watching the two play together during the U-21 was like watching Maldini line-up beside Nesta all over again, Rugani with his composure and his beautiful gift of tackling and Romagnoli with his sheer grit and passion, it was something that only God could’ve scripted for the Italian back line. Romagnoli will grow into a €30 million signing, I have the utmost of faith in him especially for the near future.

There is a trend I’m beginning to notice in Serie A, the only team working well in the market would have to be the four time champions, Juventus. Not only do they build for now, but they build for the future, they develop and if they can’t or don’t have space, they loan them out. Roma is beginning to focus on now, yes the move was made to balance the books but that shows volume that they are willing to trust foreigners rather then stick with their own, splashing money on Salah and Dzeko, potentially signing France’s future Evra, Lucas Digne, Roma is now linked with Kurt Zuoma, and Juan Jesus..but they had the future? But I digress. Under the American ownership Roma has began to transform into a team that is living in the now, by all means I’m not saying their youth team isn’t good, but look how many of them they have gotten rid of, Gianluca Scamacca, dubbed the next Zlatan Ibrahimovic already standing at 6’4, he has all the makings to be a specimen and he’s sold for scrap to PSV. The American tenure has been good to the Giallorossi, my fear for them is in the long haul. Im a big advocate that every team in Serie A needs to begin to develop their own talent and keep the Italians IN Serie A.

For Milan fans everywhere, congratulations on your triumph, bask in it and enjoy what Sampdoria fans got to enjoy last year with the wonder kid.


For Romanista’s, my deepest condolences for your loss, talent like that doesn’t come around that easily and you may have passed up on the future for some money to fund now, and yes….. Roma would sell Totti if he was up and coming because when he started, he was faltering as well, The Sensi family just maintained faith in their academy. The only difference between Totti and Romagnoli, besides the different regimes and era, Totti has a chance to make a difference by scoring or putting it on a platter, defenders never receive the same credit.

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