Torino Striker Talks About Azzurri Call Up

Fabio Quagliarella is honoured to be back in the Italy squad under new coach Antonio Conte after five years without receiving a call up.ITA_Quagliarella

The Torino striker last played for the Azzurri in November 2010, against Romania and the 32-year-old poacher still believes he can contribute after having multiple good season under Torino coach Giampiero Ventura.

“It is a major honour and I am very excited. I hope I can play a part, I think if it was not for injuries, I would have been back in the national team last year. We have some quality, experienced strikers who all offer something different and I believe there is a good mix of everything here. I guess though, he[Conte] heard my words about calling me and listened!
” Quagliarella told the media at Coverciano.

“The coach already knows me and is familiar with what I can do, which I think has benefitted me. [Giampiero] Ventura is someone else I must thank because we talk a lot and he gives me confidence”

Quagliarella addresses why he never really showed the best of form at Juventus and Napoli, and is praising 24-year-old Lorenzo Insigne.

“I think maybe I arrived at clubs at the wrong times or at times it was my fault too but this is what happens in the career of a player, At Napoli, I wanted to do better and I’ll always be a fan of the club. Insigne shares a room with me and I’ve told him to believe. He is always laughing and joking, he is handling the pressure well.He can do anything but the [Diego] Maradona comparisons are a problem and that puts unfair pressure on him. He can become the symbol of Napoli though in my opinion.”

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